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New name! Same great music!

Mountain Jubilee Chorus is now known as:


As we have come through the COVID pandemic under new directors and leaders, we have been refining our vision and setting long-term goals.  As part of this process, the chorus decided to choose a new name to better represent our current membership and philosophy.  We accepted suggestions from chorus members, then voted on our favorites.  "Wasatch A Cappella" was preferred by over 93 percent of those who voted.

We love the legacy of "Mountain Jubilee Chorus" and appreciate some 50 years of history under that title.  We now look forward to building on that legacy with a new style and character!

NOTE:  The name change has been approved by Sweet Adelines International.  It will be effective May 1, 2023.

COVID Protocol

Our concern for the health and safety of our members is paramount, so we are requiring face masks at rehearsals when numbers are high and following CDC guidelines. The option for Youtube rehearsals is still available for those who are at risk or who are not feeling well.

Post-Covid Live Rehearsal Resumption Plan - May 2021

This document sets forth the elements of the Resumption Plan for Mountain Jubilee Chorus (MJC) returning to live chorus rehearsals.  The MJC Management Team has designed this Plan in consideration of current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and Sweet Adelines International (SAI) recommendations for post Covid resumption of live chorus rehearsals.

The elements and expectations within this Resumption Plan are designed with safety of our members as the top priority.  The goal is to provide a safe and fair transition to the gradual restoration of live chorus rehearsals prior to the Covid pandemic. 

Resumption Plan Elements

  • Vaccine:  Members who have been fully vaccinated may attend live rehearsal without wearing a mask.  Members who are not fully vaccinated may attend live rehearsal but are required to wear a mask or singers’ mask.  The singers mask is at the member’s discretion and not provided by MJC.
  • It is also acceptable for members who have been fully vaccinated to wear a mask or singers mask if they so wish.  Important Note: Although the Plan is based on CDC and SAI recommendations, it also requires complete honesty of our members.  The intent is to keep our members safe which also requires individual trust and participation.

Member Expectations

The following are expectations for participation in post-Covid live rehearsals.

  • Do not attend live rehearsal if you have ANY doubts about your health situation.
  • Common symptoms such as sore throat, cough, severe headache, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting and elevated temperature may raise concerns.  Experiencing any of these symptoms individually should be enough to make you stay home.  However, if you experience a combination of symptoms please do not attend live rehearsal and consider being tested for Covid.
  • Do not attend live rehearsal if you have had contact with persons infected with Covid.
  • If you discover you have had contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid AFTER you have attended live rehearsal, or you have symptoms, or test positive for Covid, you MUST contact the Team Leader IMMEDIATELY.  All chorus members will be notified asap.
  • Please report your Vaccination status to the Team Leader by email asap.  Please also notify her if you or any of your family members residing with you are immunocompromised.
  • If you have already had Covid (confirmed by a test) and you are willing to take the risk of coming to rehearsal, you may attend live rehearsal unvaccinated.  Unvaccinated members MUST wear a mask.  The management team strongly recommends members get vaccinated for the Covid virus.
  • If determined to be necessary, there will be a Member/ Guest sign in sheet at the live rehearsal in the event contact tracing needs to occur.
  • Members are required to sign the liability waiver provided by Sweet Adelines International.



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