We rehearse on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm at Summit Vista Retirement Center, 3390 W Signal Peak Dr, Taylorsville, UT. Tell the person at the entry gate that you are here for chorus rehearsal. Proceed to the building straight ahead. Visitor parking is available to the left and right of the main doors. The reception desk can direct you to the Wellness Studio where we practice.
Here is what you can expect when you arrive at your first rehearsal:
- Someone will help you decide which part you will sing and assign you a "riser buddy" who sings the same part. You can join them on the risers or listen from a chair until you are comfortable.
- You will be provided a guest book of the printed music for you to use at rehearsal each week.
- A member of the music team will send you recordings of the audition song and the songs we are currently working on. Ask for help as needed.
- When you are ready to audition, notify the music team leader who will schedule a time for the team to stay after rehearsal for your audition.
- Audition is a time for support and feedback. If you have limited background knowledge and experience, support will be provided to help you meet your goals.
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